Locations for Microwave License WPXS366

LocationsView locations on FCC.gov

Loc #NameTypeLatLon
11 Teton Pass Transmitter 43-29-27.70 N 110-57-20.80 W
22 Teton Pass Receiver 43-27-42.70 N 110-45-12.70 W

Location Details

1 - Teton Pass

NameTeton Pass
Address0.4 km south of Highway 22 at Teton Pass summit
City6 km west of Wilson
Latitude43-29-27.70 N
Longitude110-57-20.80 W
Centerline12.1ft / 3.7m
Ground Elevation8,648.3ft / 2,636.0m
Structure Height20.0ft / 6.1m
Structure Height Overall24.9ft / 7.6m
Structure TypeTOWER - A free standing or guyed structure

2 - Teton Pass

NameTeton Pass
Latitude43-27-42.70 N
Longitude110-45-12.70 W
Centerline33.1ft / 10.1m
Ground Elevation7,982.3ft / 2,433.0m