Locations for Microwave License WQPJ266

LocationsView locations on FCC.gov

Loc #NameTypeLatLon
11 Town of Beloit FD Transmitter 42-32-21.90 N 089-03-02.20 W
22 Beloit Mill St WT Receiver 42-29-50.10 N 089-02-18.40 W
33 Beloit Ute Street Receiver 42-31-54.60 N 089-04-18.20 W
44 Beloit Memorial Hosp Receiver 42-32-55.90 N 089-00-30.00 W

Location Details

1 - Town of Beloit FD

NameTown of Beloit FD
Address2445 South Afton Rd
Latitude42-32-21.90 N
Longitude089-03-02.20 W
Centerline80.1ft / 24.4m
Ground Elevation796.6ft / 242.8m
Structure Height120.1ft / 36.6m
Structure Height Overall129.9ft / 39.6m
Structure TypeTOWER - A free standing or guyed structure

2 - Beloit Mill St WT

NameBeloit Mill St WT
Latitude42-29-50.10 N
Longitude089-02-18.40 W
Centerline219.8ft / 67.0m
Ground Elevation741.5ft / 226.0m

3 - Beloit Ute Street

NameBeloit Ute Street
Latitude42-31-54.60 N
Longitude089-04-18.20 W
Centerline109.9ft / 33.5m
Ground Elevation910.8ft / 277.6m

4 - Beloit Memorial Hosp

NameBeloit Memorial Hosp
Latitude42-32-55.90 N
Longitude089-00-30.00 W
Centerline75.1ft / 22.9m
Ground Elevation810.0ft / 246.9m