Locations for Microwave License WRCS584

LocationsView locations on FCC.gov

Loc #NameTypeLatLon
11 New Centry Transmitter 38-50-31.00 N 094-53-41.60 W
22 Roof of Garmin Tower Receiver 38-51-24.00 N 094-47-58.70 W

Location Details

1 - New Centry

NameNew Centry
Address151 North New Century Pkwy
CityNew Century
Latitude38-50-31.00 N
Longitude094-53-41.60 W
Centerline52.5ft / 16.0m
Ground Elevation1,069.6ft / 326.0m
Structure Height52.5ft / 16.0m
Structure Height Overall62.3ft / 19.0m
Structure TypeB - Building

2 - Roof of Garmin Tower

NameRoof of Garmin Tower
Latitude38-51-24.00 N
Longitude094-47-58.70 W
Centerline121.4ft / 37.0m
Ground Elevation1,079.4ft / 329.0m