Locations for Microwave License WROJ375

LocationsView locations on FCC.gov

Loc #NameTypeLatLon
11 Fort Berthold Transmitter 47-44-21.00 N 102-43-16.00 W
22 Crosby Chase LVMCC Receiver 47-50-21.80 N 102-41-49.90 W

Location Details

1 - Fort Berthold

NameFort Berthold
Address0.8 miles at 307.2 degrees true from the intersection of Hwy 22 and BIA Rd 12
CityFour Bears
Latitude47-44-21.00 N
Longitude102-43-16.00 W
Centerline54.1ft / 16.5m
Ground Elevation2,421.3ft / 738.0m
ASR Number1291384
Structure Height449.5ft / 137.0m
Structure Height Overall449.5ft / 137.0m
Structure TypeGTOWER - Guyed Structure Used for Communication Purposes

2 - Crosby Chase LVMCC

NameCrosby Chase LVMCC
Latitude47-50-21.80 N
Longitude102-41-49.90 W
Centerline22.0ft / 6.7m
Ground Elevation2,220.1ft / 676.7m