Path 2 of Microwave License WQQE963

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Path 2:   King Hurley ⇢ Zoar 2

Transmit and Receive Locations

King Hurley

Radio ServiceCF - Microwave Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point
Transmit LocationKing Hurley
Transmitter CallsignWQQE963
Height to Center165.0ft / 50.3m
Antenna MakeRFS
Antenna ModelUXA6-W57A RF
Location TypeFixed
Location ClassTransmit Location
Address1065 Mathis Road
Elevation (AMSL)287.1ft / 87.5m
Tower Registration Number1284080
Height of Structure339.9ft / 103.6m
Overall Height348.8ft / 106.3m
Structure TypeGTOWER - Guyed Structure Used for Communication Purposes
Lat / Lon31-47-43.60 N, 082-45-40.70 W

1: King Hurley - Zoar 2

Segment Length12.734522mi / 20.494233km
Receive LocationZoar 2
Receiver CallsignWQPT330
Height to Center169.9ft / 51.8m
Antenna MakeRFS
Antenna ModelUXA6-W57A RF
Diversity Height135.2ft / 41.2m
Diversity Gain34.5°
Diversity Beamwidth2.8°
Location TypeFixed
Location ClassReceive Location
Elevation (AMSL)211.9ft / 64.6m
Lat / Lon31-45-08.40 N, 082-33-03.30 W


Frequencies and Modulations

FrequenciesToleranceEIRPATPCEmission, Digital Mod Rate, Digital Mod TypeTransmitter MakeTransmitter Model
1: 6019.325000000.00050%62.8dBmY60M0D7W, 534000.0, 4096QAM
Aviat Networks, Inc.I6V4HL6-60M
2: 6019.325000000.00050%63.3dBmY60M0D7W, 491000.0, 2048QAM
Aviat Networks, Inc.I6V4HL6-60M
3: 6019.325000000.00050%64.8dBmY60M0D7W, 454000.0, 1024QAM
Aviat Networks, Inc.I6V4HL6-60M
4: 6019.325000000.00050%65.8dBmY60M0D7W, 403000.0, 512QAM
Aviat Networks, Inc.I6V4HL6-60M
5: 6019.325000000.00050%66.3dBmY60M0D7W, 344000.0, 256QAM
Aviat Networks, Inc.I6V4HL6-60M
6: 6019.325000000.00050%66.8dBmY60M0D7W, 301000.0, 128QAM
60M0D7W, 267000.0, 64QAM
60M0D7W, 217000.0, 32QAM
60M0D7W, 167000.0, 16QAM
Aviat Networks, Inc.I6V4HL6-60M
7: 6019.325000000.00050%67.3dBmY60M0G7W, 78000.0, QPSK
Aviat Networks, Inc.I6V4HL6-60M
8: 6137.925000000.00050%62.8dBmY60M0D7W, 534000.0, 4096QAM
Aviat Networks, Inc.I6V4HL6-60M
9: 6137.925000000.00050%63.3dBmY60M0D7W, 491000.0, 2048QAM
Aviat Networks, Inc.I6V4HL6-60M
10: 6137.925000000.00050%64.8dBmY60M0D7W, 454000.0, 1024QAM
Aviat Networks, Inc.I6V4HL6-60M
11: 6137.925000000.00050%65.8dBmY60M0D7W, 403000.0, 512QAM
Aviat Networks, Inc.I6V4HL6-60M
12: 6137.925000000.00050%66.3dBmY60M0D7W, 344000.0, 256QAM
Aviat Networks, Inc.I6V4HL6-60M
13: 6137.925000000.00050%66.8dBmY60M0D7W, 301000.0, 128QAM
60M0D7W, 267000.0, 64QAM
60M0D7W, 217000.0, 32QAM
60M0D7W, 167000.0, 16QAM
Aviat Networks, Inc.I6V4HL6-60M
14: 6137.925000000.00050%67.3dBmY60M0G7W, 78000.0, QPSK
Aviat Networks, Inc.I6V4HL6-60M