Path 8 of Microwave License WRWY423

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Path 8:   Union Hill ⇢ Head End

Transmit and Receive Locations

Union Hill

Radio ServiceMG - Microwave Industrial/Business Pool
Transmit LocationUnion Hill
Transmitter CallsignWRWY423
Height to Center244.8ft / 74.6m
Antenna MakeCommScope
Antenna ModelVHLP3-11W
Location TypeFixed
Location ClassTransmit Location
AddressI-20, Exit 838 (374567 / Union Hill TX)
Elevation (AMSL)1,997.0ft / 608.7m
Tower Registration Number1047015
Height of Structure328.1ft / 100.0m
Overall Height344.2ft / 104.9m
Structure TypeGTOWER - Guyed Structure Used for Communication Purposes
Lat / Lon32-24-24.40 N, 099-27-26.10 W

1: Union Hill - Head End

Segment Length11.796364mi / 18.984413km
Receive LocationHead End
Receiver CallsignWRQX498
Height to Center65.0ft / 19.8m
Antenna MakeCommScope
Antenna ModelVHLP3-11W
Location TypeFixed
Location ClassReceive Location
Elevation (AMSL)1,769.4ft / 539.3m
Lat / Lon32-27-17.60 N, 099-39-03.50 W


Frequencies and Modulations

FrequenciesToleranceEIRPATPCEmission, Digital Mod Rate, Digital Mod TypeTransmitter MakeTransmitter Model
1: 11405.000000000.00100%60.5dBmN80M0D7W, 698440.0, 4096QAM
Cambium NetworksPTP11850C
2: 11405.000000000.00100%62.5dBmN80M0D7W, 661710.0, 2048QAM
80M0D7W, 624970.0, 1024QAM
80M0D7W, 588490.0, 1024QAM
80M0D7W, 540870.0, 512 QAM
80M0D7W, 491970.0, 256 QAM
80M0D7W, 426870.0, 128 QAM
80M0D7W, 361000.0, 64 QAM
80M0D7W, 294370.0, 32 QAM
80M0D7W, 223690.0, 16 QAM
80M0D7W, 156050.0, 8 PSK
80M0G7W, 109180.0, QPSK
Cambium NetworksPTP11850C
3: 11485.000000000.00100%62.5dBmN80M0D7W, 698440.0, 4096QAM
Cambium NetworksPTP11850C
4: 11485.000000000.00100%62.5dBmN80M0D7W, 661710.0, 2048QAM
80M0D7W, 624970.0, 1024QAM
80M0D7W, 588490.0, 1024QAM
80M0D7W, 540870.0, 512 QAM
80M0D7W, 491970.0, 256 QAM
80M0D7W, 426870.0, 128 QAM
80M0D7W, 361000.0, 64 QAM
80M0D7W, 294370.0, 32 QAM
80M0D7W, 223690.0, 16 QAM
80M0D7W, 156050.0, 8 PSK
80M0G7W, 109180.0, QPSK
Cambium NetworksPTP11850C