Path 5 of Microwave License WRYV385

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Path 5:   Lake Limestone Fire ⇢ Lake Limestone East

Transmit and Receive Locations

Lake Limestone Fire

Radio ServiceMG - Microwave Industrial/Business Pool
Transmit LocationLake Limestone Fire
Transmitter CallsignWRYV385
Height to Center49.9ft / 15.2m
Antenna MakeCommScope
Antenna ModelVHLP2-11W
Location TypeFixed
Location ClassTransmit Location
AddressVacant Lot in Old Union
CityOld Union
Elevation (AMSL)482.3ft / 147.0m
Height of Structure149.9ft / 45.7m
Overall Height149.9ft / 45.7m
Structure TypeSILO - Any type of Silo
Lat / Lon31-23-24.90 N, 096-25-44.90 W

1: Lake Limestone Fire - Lake Limestone East

Segment Length7.103652mi / 11.432224km
Receive LocationLake Limestone East
Height to Center60.0ft / 18.3m
Antenna MakeCommScope
Antenna ModelVHLP2-11W
Location TypeFixed
Location ClassReceive Location
Elevation (AMSL)423.2ft / 129.0m
Lat / Lon31-23-55.00 N, 096-18-33.60 W


Frequencies and Modulations

FrequenciesToleranceEIRPATPCEmission, Digital Mod Rate, Digital Mod TypeTransmitter MakeTransmitter Model
1: 11325.000000000.00100%56.8dBmN80M0D7W, 698440.0, 4096QAM
Cambium NetworksPTP11850C
2: 11325.000000000.00100%58.8dBmN80M0D7W, 661710.0, 2048QAM
Cambium NetworksPTP11850C
3: 11325.000000000.00100%59.8dBmN80M0D7W, 624970.0, 1024QAM
80M0D7W, 588490.0, 1024QAM
Cambium NetworksPTP11850C
4: 11325.000000000.00100%60.8dBmN80M0D7W, 540870.0, 512 QAM
80M0D7W, 491970.0, 256 QAM
80M0D7W, 426870.0, 128 QAM
Cambium NetworksPTP11850C
5: 11325.000000000.00100%61.8dBmN80M0D7W, 361000.0, 64 QAM
Cambium NetworksPTP11850C
6: 11325.000000000.00100%62.8dBmN80M0D7W, 294370.0, 32 QAM
80M0D7W, 223690.0, 16 QAM
80M0D7W, 156050.0, 8 PSK
80M0G7W, 109180.0, QPSK
Cambium NetworksPTP11850C