Administration for Microwave License WPXQ889


File NumberReceipt DatePurposeStatus
0007743652000774365204/19/2017Administrative UpdateGranted
0006425954000642595408/15/2014Administrative UpdateGranted
0002469068000246906801/31/2006Required Notification of Coverage/ConstructionAccepted


08/16/2023Action PN Generated
08/10/2023License Renewed
04/20/2017Administrative Update Applied
07/20/2016Internal Correction Applied
07/20/2016Internal Correction Applied
07/05/2016License Assigned (Full Assignment)
07/01/2016Internal Correction Applied
07/01/2016Internal Correction Applied
07/01/2016Internal Correction Applied
07/01/2016Internal Correction Applied
07/01/2016Internal Correction Applied
07/01/2016Application receipt email sent: ULS email
03/16/2016Action PN Generated
03/09/2016FRN Association email sent: ULS email
03/09/2016License Modified
08/16/2014Administrative Update Applied
08/15/2014Application receipt email sent: ULS email
05/07/2014Action PN Generated
05/03/2014FRN Association Letter sent
05/02/2014Authorization Printed
05/02/2014FRN Association email failed: CORES email
05/02/2014FRN Association email sent: CORES email
05/01/2014FRN Association email failed: ULS email
05/01/2014FRN Association email sent: ULS email
05/01/2014License Modified
04/23/2014Action PN Generated
04/23/2014Action PN Generated
04/18/2014Authorization Printed
04/17/2014Authorization Printed
04/17/2014License Modified
04/16/2014License Modified
04/09/2014Action PN Generated
04/02/2014Authorization Printed
04/01/2014License Renewed
01/15/2014Action PN Generated
01/09/2014Authorization Printed
01/08/2014License Renewed
05/22/2009License Modified
05/13/2009Application receipt email sent: ULS email
09/12/2007Action PN Generated
09/11/2007Authorization Printed
09/11/2007Authorization Printed
09/08/2007License Renewed
03/08/2006Action PN Generated
02/28/2006Authorization Printed
02/28/2006Authorization Printed
02/28/2006License Modified
02/15/2006Action PN Generated
02/08/2006Authorization Printed
02/08/2006Authorization Printed
02/07/2006License Modified
01/13/2006Application Receipt Letter sent
01/12/2006Application receipt email failed: ULS email
01/12/2006Application receipt email sent: ULS email
05/22/2003License Issued


08/10/2023License renewed since parent station was renewed IN CDBS.
03/09/2016License updated since parent station was modified IN CDBS.
05/01/2014License updated since parent station was modified IN CDBS.
04/17/2014License updated since parent station was modified IN CDBS.
04/16/2014License updated since parent station was modified IN CDBS.
04/01/2014License renewed since parent station was renewed IN CDBS.
01/08/2014License renewed since parent station was renewed IN CDBS.
09/08/2007License renewed since parent station was renewed IN CDBS.
04/11/2006IN accordance WITH RULE 1.925(a), the Commission grants a waiver OF RULE 1.946(d) TO permit late filing OF notification OF timely construction.
02/28/2006License updated since parent station was modified IN CDBS.
02/07/2006License updated since parent station was modified IN CDBS.


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