Locations for Microwave License WQIE900

LocationsView locations on FCC.gov

Loc #NameTypeLatLon
11 National Park Transmitter 39-51-45.10 N 075-10-48.50 W
22 Penrose Avenue Receiver 39-54-37.30 N 075-11-33.50 W

Location Details

1 - National Park

NameNational Park
AddressIntersection of Grove and Woodlawn Avenue
CityNational Park
Latitude39-51-45.10 N
Longitude075-10-48.50 W
Centerline65.0ft / 19.8m
Ground Elevation5.9ft / 1.8m
ASR Number1224003
Structure Height161.1ft / 49.1m
Structure Height Overall169.0ft / 51.5m
Structure TypeMAST - Mast

2 - Penrose Avenue

NamePenrose Avenue
Latitude39-54-37.30 N
Longitude075-11-33.50 W
Centerline25.9ft / 7.9m
Ground Elevation21.0ft / 6.4m