Locations for Microwave License WQLC738

LocationsView locations on FCC.gov

Loc #NameTypeLatLon
11 Wildcat Ridge Transmitter 39-14-50.90 N 106-55-15.10 W
22 Sunlight Pub Radio Receiver 39-25-07.50 N 107-22-12.00 W

Location Details

1 - Wildcat Ridge

NameWildcat Ridge
Address4.66 km NNE of the center of Snowmass Village, CO
CitySnowmass Village
Latitude39-14-50.90 N
Longitude106-55-15.10 W
Centerline26.2ft / 8.0m
Ground Elevation9,115.8ft / 2,778.5m
ASR Number1229981
Structure Height74.8ft / 22.8m
Structure Height Overall74.8ft / 22.8m
Structure TypeTOWER - A free standing or guyed structure

2 - Sunlight Pub Radio

NameSunlight Pub Radio
Latitude39-25-07.50 N
Longitude107-22-12.00 W
Centerline89.9ft / 27.4m
Ground Elevation10,383.9ft / 3,165.0m