Locations for Microwave License WQNF463
LocationsView locations on FCC.gov
Loc # | Name | Type | Lat | Lon |
11 | FM | Transmitter | 42-32-23.90 N | 113-47-31.90 W |
22 | WSI | Receiver | 42-32-12.70 N | 113-48-16.60 W |
33 | ALBION | Receiver | 42-26-01.30 N | 113-37-26.50 W |
44 | KIMAMA | Receiver | 42-45-43.70 N | 113-53-49.30 W |
55 | Burley | Receiver | 42-29-23.80 N | 113-54-49.20 W |
66 | PAULSF | Receiver | 42-36-42.40 N | 113-45-26.20 W |
77 | Kasota | Receiver | 42-35-31.30 N | 113-54-41.20 W |
Location Details
1 - FM
Name | FM |
Address | Intersection of Albion Ave & E 11th St. |
City | Burley |
County | CASSIA |
State | ID |
Latitude | 42-32-23.90 N |
Longitude | 113-47-31.90 W |
Type | Transmitter |
Centerline | 140.1ft / |
Ground Elevation | 4,156.8ft / |
Structure Height | 149.9ft / |
Structure Height Overall | 154.9ft / |
Structure Type | SILO - Any type of Silo |
2 - WSI
Name | WSI |
Latitude | 42-32-12.70 N |
Longitude | 113-48-16.60 W |
Type | Receiver |
Centerline | 160.1ft / |
Ground Elevation | 4,159.1ft / |
Name | ALBION |
Latitude | 42-26-01.30 N |
Longitude | 113-37-26.50 W |
Type | Receiver |
Centerline | 20.0ft / |
Ground Elevation | 5,216.5ft / |
Name | KIMAMA |
Latitude | 42-45-43.70 N |
Longitude | 113-53-49.30 W |
Type | Receiver |
Centerline | 20.0ft / |
Ground Elevation | 4,996.7ft / |
5 - Burley
Name | Burley |
Latitude | 42-29-23.80 N |
Longitude | 113-54-49.20 W |
Type | Receiver |
Centerline | 40.0ft / |
Ground Elevation | 4,603.0ft / |