Locations for Microwave License WQOK742

LocationsView locations on FCC.gov

Loc #NameTypeLatLon
11 Lake Mills Transmitter 43-25-23.20 N 093-31-59.00 W
22 Mason City Receiver 43-08-14.30 N 093-15-32.10 W

Location Details

1 - Lake Mills

NameLake Mills
AddressNW of intersection of N. 3rd Ave. East and N. Lake Street.
CityLake Mills
Latitude43-25-23.20 N
Longitude093-31-59.00 W
Centerline159.8ft / 48.7m
Ground Elevation1,271.0ft / 387.4m
ASR Number1281044
Structure Height159.8ft / 48.7m
Structure Height Overall159.8ft / 48.7m
Structure TypeTOWER - A free standing or guyed structure

2 - Mason City

NameMason City
Latitude43-08-14.30 N
Longitude093-15-32.10 W
Centerline166.0ft / 50.6m
Ground Elevation1,190.9ft / 363.0m