Locations for Microwave License WQVL857
LocationsView locations on FCC.gov
Loc # | Name | Type | Lat | Lon |
11 | Stratford | Transmitter | 36-19-30.60 N | 102-03-45.90 W |
22 | Lautz | Receiver | 36-10-07.30 N | 102-01-37.70 W |
Location Details
1 - Stratford
Name | Stratford |
Address | Southeast of Stratford on CR 7, 0.2 mi S of State Hwy 15 |
City | Stratford |
County | SHERMAN |
State | TX |
Latitude | 36-19-30.60 N |
Longitude | 102-03-45.90 W |
Type | Transmitter |
Centerline | 109.9ft / |
Ground Elevation | 3,683.1ft / |
ASR Number | 1257120 |
Structure Height | 180.1ft / |
Structure Height Overall | 192.9ft / |
Structure Type | MTOWER - Monopole |