Locations for Microwave License WQVP532
LocationsView locations on FCC.gov
Loc # | Name | Type | Lat | Lon |
11 | Dennison Creek | Transmitter | 63-26-33.00 N | 142-31-06.00 W |
22 | Taylor Mountain | Receiver | 64-01-34.00 N | 142-18-53.00 W |
33 | Tok | Receiver | 63-19-27.00 N | 142-59-56.00 W |
Location Details
1 - Dennison Creek
Name | Dennison Creek |
Address | 0.7 Miles West of Mile 60 of the Taylor Highway |
City | Tok |
State | AK |
Latitude | 63-26-33.00 N |
Longitude | 142-31-06.00 W |
Type | Transmitter |
Centerline | 15.1ft / |
Ground Elevation | 3,200.8ft / |
Structure Height | 20.0ft / |
Structure Height Overall | 30.2ft / |
Structure Type | LTOWER - Lattice Tower |