Locations for Microwave License WRBW463
LocationsView locations on FCC.gov
Loc # | Name | Type | Lat | Lon |
11 | BHS Tower | Transmitter | 31-36-40.80 N | 103-58-07.80 W |
22 | AT BTF 132 | Receiver | 31-32-17.30 N | 103-34-06.50 W |
33 | Old Monarch Tower | Receiver | 31-44-17.30 N | 103-55-27.10 W |
44 | Gavaster St | Receiver | 31-33-47.50 N | 103-39-08.90 W |
Location Details
1 - BHS Tower
Name | BHS Tower |
Address | 6.8 Miles NW of Intersection of FM 2119 and FM 232 |
City | Pecos |
County | REEVES |
State | TX |
Latitude | 31-36-40.80 N |
Longitude | 103-58-07.80 W |
Type | Transmitter |
Centerline | 149.9ft / |
Ground Elevation | 3,259.8ft / |
Structure Height | 150.9ft / |
Structure Height Overall | 150.9ft / |
Structure Type | GTOWER - Guyed Structure Used for Communication Purposes |
2 - AT BTF 132
Name | AT BTF 132 |
Latitude | 31-32-17.30 N |
Longitude | 103-34-06.50 W |
Type | Receiver |
Centerline | 245.1ft / |
Ground Elevation | 2,666.0ft / |