Locations for Microwave License WRCP659
LocationsView locations on FCC.gov
Loc # | Name | Type | Lat | Lon |
11 | TCU | Transmitter | 32-55-38.00 N | 096-50-01.00 W |
22 | Ren Tower | Receiver | 32-46-52.30 N | 096-48-07.10 W |
33 | Aubrey | Receiver | 33-19-42.40 N | 097-03-57.40 W |
44 | Prom | Receiver | 32-57-19.10 N | 096-46-05.50 W |
55 | 2727LBJJ | Receiver | 32-54-40.40 N | 096-53-09.60 W |
66 | Athena | Receiver | 32-51-57.10 N | 096-47-50.40 W |
Location Details
1 - TCU
Name | TCU |
Address | Texas Credit Union Building of LBJ Fwy, Midwayrd & Welch Road |
City | Farmers Branch |
County | DALLAS |
State | TX |
Latitude | 32-55-38.00 N |
Longitude | 096-50-01.00 W |
Type | Transmitter |
Centerline | 154.9ft / |
Ground Elevation | 629.9ft / |
Structure Height | 190.3ft / |
Structure Height Overall | 196.9ft / |
Structure Type | BANT - Building with Antenna on top |
2 - Ren Tower
Name | Ren Tower |
Latitude | 32-46-52.30 N |
Longitude | 096-48-07.10 W |
Type | Receiver |
Centerline | 799.9ft / |
Ground Elevation | 430.8ft / |
3 - Aubrey
Name | Aubrey |
Latitude | 33-19-42.40 N |
Longitude | 097-03-57.40 W |
Type | Receiver |
Centerline | 310.0ft / |
Ground Elevation | 616.8ft / |
4 - Prom
Name | Prom |
Latitude | 32-57-19.10 N |
Longitude | 096-46-05.50 W |
Type | Receiver |
Centerline | 205.1ft / |
Ground Elevation | 629.9ft / |