Locations for Microwave License WRPX308

LocationsView locations on FCC.gov

Loc #NameTypeLatLon
11 CIP Fishermans Parad Transmitter 32-10-59.10 N 097-29-04.80 W
22 CIP Hill of Homes Receiver 32-17-18.90 N 097-33-24.90 W

Location Details

1 - CIP Fishermans Parad

NameCIP Fishermans Parad
Address9333 Apache Trail
CityRio Vista
Latitude32-10-59.10 N
Longitude097-29-04.80 W
Centerline95.1ft / 29.0m
Ground Elevation754.6ft / 230.0m
Structure Height100.1ft / 30.5m
Structure Height Overall100.1ft / 30.5m
Structure TypeGTOWER - Guyed Structure Used for Communication Purposes

2 - CIP Hill of Homes

NameCIP Hill of Homes
Latitude32-17-18.90 N
Longitude097-33-24.90 W
Centerline95.1ft / 29.0m
Ground Elevation887.8ft / 270.6m