Paths for Microwave License WQMY482

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Path 1 - Highland Water Twr ⇢ Remote Care Facility
Highland Water Twr Transmitter 38-45-45.30 N 089-41-34.20 W
Remote Care Facility Receiver 38-44-43.80 N 089-41-37.50 W
FrequenciesToleranceEIRPEmission Code, Digital Modulation Rate, Digital Modulation Type
1: 19525.00000000 V0.00010%63.1dBm30M0D1W, 160000.0, 128QAM
Path 2 - Highland Water Twr ⇢ Anderson Hospital To
Highland Water Twr Transmitter 38-45-45.30 N 089-41-34.20 W
Anderson Hospital To Receiver 38-44-11.40 N 089-56-50.10 W
FrequenciesToleranceEIRPEmission Code, Digital Modulation Rate, Digital Modulation Type
1: 11605.00000000 V0.00010%67.6dBm30M0D1W, 320000.0, 128QAM