Paths for Microwave License WRKV614

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Path 1 - Top of Rocks ⇢ Barney Top
Top of Rocks Transmitter 37-44-55.20 N 111-27-29.20 W
Barney Top Receiver 37-45-23.90 N 111-52-31.60 W
FrequenciesToleranceEIRPEmission Code, Digital Modulation Rate, Digital Modulation Type
1: 5945.20000000 H0.00050%69.1dBm30M0D7W, 200000.0, QAM512
2: 5945.20000000 H0.00050%70.1dBm30M0D7W, 180000.0, QAM256
30M0D7W, 155000.0, QAM128
3: 5945.20000000 H0.00050%70.6dBm30M0D7W, 132000.0, QAM64
30M0D7W, 108000.0, QAM32
30M0D7W, 90000.0, QAM16
4: 5945.20000000 H0.00050%71.1dBm30M0G7W, 39000.0, QPSK